Our Impact
Neighborhood Councils receive public funds of $42,000 each year to support their activities. This may include creating events and programs that respond to the unique needs of their community or advocating on behalf of the issues about which they care to solve.
Annual budget
As a board we identify the needs of the community and opportunities to improve the neighborhood through grants and improvement projects.
Board Members
7 Represent the Arts District
7 Represent Little Tokyo
1 Represents both Communities
United Communities
Arts District and Little Tokyo united as one voice in City Hall.
Our Community Histories
ADLT NC Monthly Board Meetings
ADLT NC Monthly Board Meetings are on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Meetings are held at the Little Tokyo Library, unless noticed otherwise.
Meeting schedule:
ADLT NC Monthly Board Meetings are held 2nd Tuesdays, 6:30pm
Los Angeles Public Library Little Tokyo Branch
203 S. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles CA 90012
ADLT NC Land Use Committee: Seeking Community Members
The ADLT Neighborhood Council is comprised of 4 board members, and up to 3 non-board community members. We invite community members from the Arts District & Little Tokyo neighborhoods to apply and join our land use committee! Please see the form for more information, and to apply!
COVID-19 Resources
See the breakdown of COVID-19 cases
Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
NotifyLA – get text/email alerts on COVID-19 in the City of LA:
LAUSD – student and family resources
Dept of Aging – for senior services
Map of senior meal pickup sites:
VolunteerLA – City of LA COVID response volunteer opportunities:
Guidance, loans, evictions moratorium for small businesses:
Small Business Owners may also find resources here.